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YOGA Magazine is the number one yoga, health and fitness brand in the UK and USA. A chic, contemporary publication specialising in yoga, wellbeing and natural living. Each issue is packed with celebrity interviews, organic and natural beauty, fashion, travel, food and the best of yoga and fitness.
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Historically there have been many accounts of how the ‘Five Tibetans’ or ‘Five Rites’ came to be, some suggesting that.
This sequence creates an opening for the hip flexors, it provides a challenge for the thigh muscles whilst making the.
INTENSE SIDE STRETCH POSE(PARSVOTTANASANA) HOW TO PERFORM From standing Tadasana (Mountain pose), inhale to step right foot back and turn.
This is a great, gentle way to either start or end the day. You can practise from 10-mins to 30-mins..
1 – BASE: Hold onto the flyer’s ankles with fingers on the outside and thumb inside. Bring legs to 90-degrees.
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February, 2024
Mar 21 - Apr 19
The month starts on a peaceful vibration. Love, passion, and
romance are in your house. This is a perfect time to instil
feel-good vibes, at home using aromatherapy, flower, and
colour therapy. There is no need to tread carefully especially
when sharing how you feel. You can expect good news in
matters to do with long term commitments. Follow your
heart-desired passion and explore whatever it is you want to
do and do it. Whether it is a change of career, a new home,
travel, or study. Enjoy this month as it will be full of grand
Apr 20 - May 20
The higher chakras may be active. Work with them.
Concentrate and direct your attention to them. Use
a variety of tools to energise them, whether it be
meditation, physical yoga practice or pranayama
(breathing). Tune into your heart-felt aspirations and
learn to not only ‘follow’ your dream – but make it
happen. This can happen if you trust yourself and the
opportunities that the Universe presents.
May 21 - Jun 20
February is a pleasant and peaceful month starting on a
feel-good vibration. Direct your attention around the home
as this will provide the support you need – to complete any
long-standing projects you are currently involved in. Choose
beautiful thoughts and consciously choose to speak positive
words, this month – to attract beautiful things in your life. You
may also want to try feng-shui or vastu shastra and bring in
good vibes into your life.
Jun 21 - Jul 22
The month will start on a comforting note as friends and
provide you with needed support as well as inspiration for
life. Study and travel are particularly emphasised. Work with
the higher chakras to make your dreams achievable. Believe
in yourself so that the Universe can also believe in your
talents and skills.
Jul 23 - Aug 22
The lower chakras may be active – so work with yoga
practice or any related discipline to keep yourself centred and
grounded. Your intuition can be trusted to skills guide you
in matters to do with love. You may be feeling apprehensive
about making firm commitments. Be sure to have faith
that you can make a decision that will be right in the
circumstances. The month ends on a peaceful note.
Aug 23 - Sep 22
The month invites you work with your heart and throat
chakra. You will appreciate the unconditional love that
comes your way. Someone unusual catches your heart
felt attention. Your heart will function as the compass that
will help you navigate any emotional complexities that
may present themselves to you. The month ends on an
auspicious note.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
This is a particularly joyous month for you as you engage
with the financial opportunities that are presented to you.
Be sure to find quiet-time to reflect and seek advice before
making any commitments to do with love. In health and
wealth areas the planetary stars work in your favour and
you will experience some excellent outcomes. The month
closes on a creative vibration inspiring you to explore new
Oct 23 - Nov 21
This is an enjoyable time to refocus on health and
nutrition. Pay attention to your ‘lifestyle’ and whether
you need to ‘change’ it in any way to encourage
happiness. The changes do not have to be dramatic – but
can be small and simple. Use the practice of mindfulness
to keep you centred. You may also meet someone who
will have long term positive impact on your life. The
month closes on a peaceful vibration.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
A positive start to the month encourages you to declutter
aspects of your life that are wearing you down. Make time
to meet up with friends and family in a social setting. This is
an ideal month to treat yourself or a loved one to a holiday
– even if it is for a day. It will help you refocus. At work you
will be particularly happy as you are recognised for your
achievements and contributions.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
The month starts on a positive note. Your kindness and
compassionate outlook will make a qualitative and
measurable difference to someone’s life journey. The first
chakra may be active and emphasis will be on grounding
yourself as well. Practise first chakra exercise such as tree
to provide the necessary support in your life. Love and
romance are also emphasised. The month closes on an
auspicious vibration.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
This is an ideal month to de-clutter any unnecessary things
that you have accumulated, whether it is at work or in the
home. Pay attention to areas of the environment that you
have not chance to revisit properly. These include storage
cupboards, bags under your bed or boxes in the attic,
basement, garage, or similar places. By doing so you will
encourage a fresh and rejuvenating energy to recharge and
revitalise you. Also invite creative expression into your life by
engaging in artistic projects. It will help you see the world in
a unique way and encourage new perspectives to challenge
anything in your own life that is not working for you. The
month will progress on a positive vibrations.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
The month is a pleasant one as a close friend reveals
valuable information. This will have a positive impact on
your lifestyle. The throat chakra may be active so work
with meditation and pranayama as well, to energise your
mind and body. By supporting the throat chakra in this
way, you will find new ways to express your truth. This
is a perfect time to try a modern style of yoga as well to
explore new ways of working with the mind. The month
ends on a peaceful note.