Article - Yoga Magazine UK's First Yoga Magazine Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:01:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Article - Yoga Magazine 32 32 5 Steps to a Healthy Gut Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:01:10 +0000 Words: Lisa Winn A healthy gut is the foundation of overall well-being. It plays a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and even influences our mood and immune system. So, how do you make sure that your gut is the best it can be, and what decides this? In this article, we will explore five […]

The post 5 Steps to a Healthy Gut first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

Words: Lisa Winn

A healthy gut is the foundation of overall well-being. It plays a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and even influences our mood and immune system. So, how do you make sure that your gut is the best it can be, and what decides this?

In this article, we will explore five essential steps to achieve and maintain a healthy gut. By incorporating these steps into your daily routine, you can enhance your digestive health and experience improved vitality and wellness that keeps you able to do the things you love.

Step 1: Eat a Balanced and Fibre-Rich Diet

The food we consume has a direct impact on our gut health. A balanced diet consisting of whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, is crucial for maintaining a healthy gut. It’s recommended to get your ‘magic 30’; getting 30 different fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts and plants like herbs in a week has massive health benefits and is easier than you think. Add nuts and seeds to salads and stir-fries, try different types of rice, vary your snacks, choose crudités according to the season or add olives and nuts for a mid-morning nibble; get creative! It’s also essential to ensure that you get an adequate amount of dietary fibre incorporated into your diet, too. Fibre acts as fuel for the beneficial bacteria in our gut, promoting their growth and diversity. Include fibre-rich foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains in your meals to support a healthy gut microbiome. Along with providing essential nutrients, a balanced and fibrerich diet helps regulate bowel movements and prevents constipation. Furthermore, high-fibre foods often require more chewing, which stimulates saliva production and promotes the release of digestive enzymes, aiding the breakdown of food and nutrient absorption. Remember to gradually increase your fibre intake to allow your body to adjust and minimise any potential digestive discomfort.

Step 2: Stay Hydrated and Limit Sugary Drinks

Proper hydration is key to maintaining a healthy gut. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day helps in assisting the production of digestive enzymes and nutrient absorption; aim for 6 – 8 cups of fluid. When your body is dehydrated, it can lead to poor digestion and constipation. Hydration is particularly crucial for fibre to do its job effectively and keep the digestive process smooth. However, be mindful of your beverage choices. Sugary drinks, including soda and fruit juice, can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut and promote the growth of harmful bacteria. These beverages often contain high levels of added sugars, which not only hinder the absorption of nutrients but also contribute to inflammation in the gut. If you’re not a big water drinker, try herbal teas and natural fruit-infused water to stay hydrated while supporting a healthy gut. These choices not only provide hydration but also contribute to the overall nutrient intake necessary for gut health.

Step 3: Manage Stress Levels

Stress can significantly impact our gut health. The gut and the brain are closely connected through the gutbrain axis, and stress can disrupt this connection, leading to digestive issues. When you’re under stress, your body releases stress hormones that can affect the movement and contractions of the digestive tract, leading to symptoms such as stomachaches, bloating, and altered bowel habits. Incorporating stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular physical activity can help reduce stress levels and support a healthy gut. Engaging in these practices promotes relaxation, calms the nervous system, and improves digestion. Regular exercise, such as yoga or brisk walks, can help stimulate the muscles in your intestines, promoting regular bowel movements. Prioritise selfcare and find activities that help you relax and unwind, promoting overall well-being, including gut health. Remember, taking care of your mental and emotional health is crucial for a healthy gut. A simple yoga routine that takes no more than 15 minutes can be an excellent way to incorporate mindfulness and gentle movement into your routine. Start by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can practise without distractions. Begin with a few minutes of deep breathing, inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth, allowing your body to relax and your mind to focus. Then, move into a series of gentle stretches and poses, such as cat-cow, downward-facing dog, child’s pose, and seated forward fold. Flow through each movement mindfully, paying attention to your body’s sensations and breathing deeply. Conclude your practice with a few minutes of relaxation in savasana, lying flat on your back, allowing your body and mind to fully unwind. This simple 15-minute yoga routine can help release tension, improve flexibility, and bring a sense of calm and clarity to your day.

Step 4: Include Fermented Foods in Your Diet

Fermented foods are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut. Including fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha in your diet can help replenish and diversify the gut microbiome. Probiotics aid in digestion, strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation in the gut. They help maintain the balance between good and bad bacteria, creating an environment that supports optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Start by incorporating small amounts of fermented foods into your diet, such as having a serving of yogurt with live cultures as a snack or adding sauerkraut to your salad. As you gradually increase the serving size, you’ll be providing your gut with a steady supply of beneficial bacteria. Additionally, you can explore homemade fermented foods and beverages to further diversify the strains of probiotics you consume.

To get started on making your own kimchi, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Your Fermentation Vessel:
    • Mason jars with tight-fitting lids, fermentation crocks, or specialised fermentation jars are common options.
  2. Pick Your Ingredients:
    1. Vegetables like cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, and radishes are popular choices. You can also experiment with fruits, dairy products like yogurt or kefir, and even beverages like kombucha. For kimchi, I use Charles Dowding’s recipe:
      • 1kg Chinese cabbage
      • 800g carrots
      • 400g winter radish
      • 6 spring onions
      • 8 garlic cloves
      • 1 dessert spoon of ginger
      • 3 dessert spoons of coconut sugar
      • 1 teaspoon of chilli flakes
      • 10g salt
        • One unforgettable rule of kimchi is to never add water!
  3. Prepare the Food:
    • Wash and chop your chosen ingredients into desired sizes and shapes. For vegetable ferments, consider adding salt to draw out moisture and create a brine.
  4. Add Flavourings:
    • Enhance the flavour of your fermented food by adding herbs, spices, or other seasonings. Garlic, ginger, dill, and chillies are popular options for adding depth and complexity to the fermentation.
  5. Pack the Fermentation Vessel:
    • Place your ingredients into your fermentation vessel, ensuring they are tightly packed. Leave enough headspace to accommodate the expansion that occurs during fermentation.
  6. Create an Anaerobic Environment:
    • Ensure an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment for successful fermentation. Consider using fermentation lids or airlocks that allow gases to escape while preventing oxygen from entering.
  7. Fermentation Time and Temperature:
    • Allow the fermentation process to occur at a suitable temperature. Most vegetable ferments thrive between 15°C and 24°C. The duration varies, but start with a few days, and gradually increase if desired.
  8. Taste and Monitor:
    • During fermentation, taste the food periodically to assess its flavour and texture. This helps you gauge the level of fermentation and determine when it reaches your desired taste.
  9. Store and Enjoy:
    • Once your fermented food has reached the desired level of fermentation, transfer it to a clean jar or container and store it in the refrigerator. Fermented foods can be enjoyed as condiments, toppings, or additions to your favourite dishes.

Step 5: Get Sufficient Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for overall health, including gut health. During sleep, our body repairs and rejuvenates itself, and the digestive system is no exception to this. Poor quality of sleep or lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and contribute to digestive issues. Lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support optimal gut health. Establish a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practising gentle stretching. Create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Additionally, avoid large meals and stimulating activities close to bedtime. Prioritise sleep as an integral part of your wellness routine, and you’ll not only benefit your gut but also experience improved energy levels and cognitive function. Nurturing a healthy gut is crucial for overall well-being, and it can be achieved by incorporating simple yet effective lifestyle changes. By following the five steps outlined in this article, including eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, managing stress levels, including fermented foods, and getting sufficient sleep, you can promote a healthy gut and experience enhanced vitality and wellness. Remember, taking care of your gut is taking care of your entire body.

By health and wellness expert, Lisa Winn, who believes that at the core of feeling good and leading a healthy life is balance. As a mother of three, Lisa knows the common challenge of juggling work and life but says that by focusing on balance, feeling happy and healthy will come.

Find Lisa on Instagram: https:// lisamariewinn/

The post 5 Steps to a Healthy Gut first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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10 LESSER-KNOWN NATURAL REMEDIE Mon, 06 Nov 2023 09:41:41 +0000 SUPER-POWERED IMMUNITY Viruses and superbugs have become a part of day-to-day living, but that doesn’t mean you have to live in fear of those nasty microbes. Your immune system, when armed with nature’s best weapons, can be a formidable rival against a wide range of viruses and bacteria. I spent nearly three decades tracking down […]

The post 10 LESSER-KNOWN NATURAL REMEDIE first appeared on Yoga Magazine.


Viruses and superbugs have become a part of day-to-day living, but that doesn’t mean you have to live in fear of those nasty microbes. Your immune system, when armed with nature’s best weapons, can be a formidable rival against a wide range of viruses and bacteria. I spent nearly three decades tracking down over seventy of the most effective natural weapons against viruses and bacteria, which I curated for my book Super-Powered Immunity: Natural Remedies for 21st-Century Viruses and Superbugs. While many people are already familiar with some of the old standbys like elderberry, garlic, oregano oil, and vitamins C and D, the following book excerpt shares ten of the lesser-known but highly valuable options that are worth keeping on hand.


Berberine is a plant nutrient extracted from plants like barberry, Oregon grape, and blue cohosh, among others. A growing body of research shows that it packs a punch against many different microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses alike. Research published in the medical journal Frontiers of Medicine found that berberine is antibacterial against E. coli. Another study showed that berberine has

antibacterial activity against a broad spectrum of bacterial varieties, including strains that are drug resistant. Berberine also demonstrates significant effectiveness against fungal infections like various strains of Candida, including against the biofilms they create. Biofilms are slimy coatings that bacteria create to protect themselves and reduce the likelihood of being detected and killed by the human immune system. In a study published in the journal Drug Design, Development and Therapy, researchers found that berberine was highly effective at reducing all five of the Candida strains they tested it against, as well as at inhibiting the biofilms they create. Impressed by the significant antifungal effects of berberine, the scientists concluded, “Berberine might have novel therapeutic potential as an antifungal agent or a major active component of antifungal drugs.” Exciting research published in the Archives of Virology found that it demonstrated antiviral activity on many viruses, including herpes simplex, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), HPV, and HIV.


You’ve probably heard about the incredible healing abilities of green tea, but few people know that, in addition to its heart-healing and anticancer properties, green tea and the potent compound found in it—epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)—is also highly anti-infectious. One of the primary phytonutrients found in green tea, EGCG has been identified in research as having antibacterial properties, on its own or in combination with antibiotics to bolster the drugs’ effects, including against S. aureus and many other bacteria. Other research in the Journal of Applied Oral Science is exploring the addition of EGCG into dental fillings since it has been found to inhibit some Streptococcus bacteria. The same research also showed that

EGCG demonstrates antifungal activity. Another study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that EGCG demonstrated antiviral activity on multiple families of viruses, including HIV, influenza A, and hepatitis C, and interfered with the viral replication process that is needed for survival of hepatitis B, herpes simplex, and adenoviruses.


One of the most powerful things you can do to boost your immune system and aid its ability to fight off infectious intruders is also one of the least known. Many people have not even heard of the nutrient glutathione, which is one of nature’s greatest treasures when it comes to fighting disease-causing microbes. Glutathione is an antioxidant nutrient that is produced in the cells of your body, primarily from three building blocks of proteins called amino acids, including cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. Even moderate changes in glutathione levels in the body have a profound effect on the status of lymphocyte (immune cells) functions. Research in the International Journal of Medical Microbiology found that glutathione on may be effective in treating some bacterial infections. Glutathione has been discovered as the potential missing link in the prevention and treatment of viruses. A study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences found that a glutathione deficiency may play a central role in severe disease symptoms linked to Covid-19. Earlier research in the journal Biological Chemistry found that glutathione regulated the immune response, which not only helps the body attack foreign invaders like pathogens, it also prevents the immune system from overreacting.


Quercetin is a plant pigment (known as a flavonoid) that is found in many foods and its antiviral properties have been the subject of numerous studies. One study published in the medical journal Viruses found that quercetin inhibited a wide spectrum of flu viruses’ ability to enter the cells, which they need to do for their survival. Quercetin has been shown to inhibit respiratory viruses in cell studies, including inhibiting rhinoviruses, coxsackie viruses, and polio viruses. It demonstrates beneficial effects against RSV, polio viruses, herpes simplex viruses, and cytomegalovirus.


Growing between thirty and sixty meters high, this vine has demonstrated antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties that have been proven effective in combating persistent infections, including those involved in bladder infections, Crohn’s disease, gastritis, glandular fever (Epstein Barr syndrome), hepatitis, herpes, Lyme disease, prostatitis, and yeast infections (Candidiasis). It has demonstrated significant antiviral activity, including against the herpes simplex virus21 as well as SARS-CoV-2.


I grew a large batch of lemon balm, which is also sometimes referred to as melissa, from seed this year, allowing me to enjoy its delightful fragrance in my garden as well as its delicious flavour when steeped as tea. The herb’s delicate flavor may lead people to underestimate its antimicrobial capacity but lemon balm has proven its antibacterial and antiviral effects in laboratory and clinical trials alike. Research in the journal Plants found that lemon balm essential oil contains key active ingredients known as geranial, neral, and citronellal, which demonstrated high antimicrobial activity against microorganisms it was tested against, including five diseasecausing bacteria plus C. albicans and other fungi.72 This common garden herb also demonstrates antiviral activity against the herpes simplex virus75 likely due to its active constituents known as rosmarinic acid and other polyphenolics, which are water soluble, meaning they can be extracted by infusing the herb in water to make a tea.76 In a study published in the journal Natural Products Research, scientists found that lemon balm is highly effective against the herpes simplex virus.


First used medicinally in ancient Egypt where olive leaves were considered a symbol of heavenly power, olive leaf has since become used around the world for the treatment of many conditions. Most people already know the health benefits of eating olive oil on a regular basis, but an increasing amount of research is showing that olive oil isn’t the only therapeutic part of these trees. The leaves of the trees are potent antioxidants, antiinflammatory, and have long been used for their antiviral properties as well. The olive tree produces a compound known as oleuropein that is abundant in both the leaves as well as the olives. It is believed that this compound is responsible for the many health benefits of olive oil and olive leaf extract. In the early- to mid-1800s olive leaf was used to treat fevers and malaria. A study published in the journal Mycoses found that olive leaf extract was effective at battling almost all bacteria and fungi it was tested against, including those found internally as well as on skin, hair, and nails, demonstrating its widespread antibacterial and antifungal properties. Olive leaf has demonstrated antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microbes, including those behind the following conditions: infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, dental infections, ear infections, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, pneumonia, shingles, tuberculosis, and urinary tract infections.


Both a culinary and medicinal mushroom, maitake has been found to contain a compound known as proteoglucan, which is associated with its immune-stimulating effects. In both laboratory and animal studies, research shows that polysaccharides found in maitake mushrooms have demonstrated antiviral activity against both hepatitis B viruses and HIV


There are several species of oyster mushrooms, which are primarily known for their culinary uses, but research shows that these delicious mushrooms may also improve immune health. Readily available in grocery stores and at farmer’s markets, oyster mushrooms contain many nutrients and therapeutic compounds, including protein, vitamin C, iron, potassium, copper, and zinc, all of which are important for strong immunity, particularly the vitamin C and zinc.

Most known for their ability to reduce cholesterol levels similarly to statin drugs as well as for their anticancer and antitumor ability, oyster mushrooms also demonstrate antimicrobial properties. They showed antibiotic activity against various. Oyster mushrooms inhibit hepatitis C virus and may be beneficial against HIV as well.


Reishi’s immune-supporting properties alone make it an excellent mushroom to incorporate into your diet or supplement regime on a regular basis. Animal research shows that reishi enhanced immune cells like interleukin-1 and white blood cells created in the bone marrow. It also demonstrates broad antibacterial and antiviral properties largely due to its ability to activate the immune system. Tea made from reishi showed activity multiple strains of bacteria. Reishi has even demonstrated anti-HIV activity both in laboratory and human studies.

Most people take remedies in insufficient doses, without adequate frequency, or in an incorrect form, which usually results in either minimal effectiveness or no noticeable results at all. It is critical to identify the most powerful remedies (including the correct species when it comes to plants) and the most effective form of the remedy (such as infusion, tincture, oil extract, or another form). It is also critical to ensure that it is used in a correct dosage amount and with the ideal frequency and duration to yield the best healing results. Follow package instructions for the product you select. Usage information for these as well as detailed information for over seventy remedies is provided in Super-Powered Immunity: Natural Remedies for 21st-Century Viruses and Superbugs.

  1. Fahima Abdellatif et al., “Minerals, Essential Oils, and Biological Properties of Melissa officinalis L.,”Plants 10, no. 6 (May 26, 2021): 1066.
  2. Akram Astani et al., “Melissa officinalis Extract Inhibits Attachment of Herpes Simplex Virus in Vitro,” Chemotherapy 58, no. 1 (2012): 70–77.
  3. Hoffman, Medical Herbalism, 566.

Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM is an international bestselling and awardwinning author of 25 books including her latest book Super-Powered Immunity: Natural Remedies for 21st-Century Viruses and Superbugs. Her work has appeared in over 100 publications including: WebMD, Prevention, Vegetarian Times, Huffington Post, Woman’s World magazine, First for Women magazine,, and Yahoo!. Follow her work at, Facebook. com/drmichellecook, and mschoffrocook.

© Copyright 2023 Michelle Schoffro Cook, all rights reserved

The post 10 LESSER-KNOWN NATURAL REMEDIE first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY FOR EMOTIONAL WELLBEING Mon, 06 Nov 2023 07:08:05 +0000 Words: Alex Scrimgeour The human face is our most familiar image, it’s the first thing we see when born and in time, the faces we come to love are the deepest sources of joy and connection with the world. Unless we are twinned, the face we are born with is unique and tells a complex […]

The post FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY FOR EMOTIONAL WELLBEING first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

Words: Alex Scrimgeour

The human face is our most familiar image, it’s the first thing we see when born and in time, the faces we come to love are the deepest sources of joy and connection with the world. Unless we are twinned, the face we are born with is unique and tells a complex story of who we are, where we come from, and who we want to be. The face is a symbol of our humanity and reflects both who we are as a person and as a species. We have incredible nuance in our facial expression as a shapeshifting mask of communication and as a conduit for fully expressing and embodying our deepest delight. The more you analyse the nature of the human face, the more layers are revealed. Our ancestry, upbringing, hardships and emotional trauma, our temperament and character, our kindness, hope and wisdom― all of this can be revealed through the face. For one of our most innate evolutionary skills is to read one another’s faces. To a greater of lesser degree we are all experts at this, for our very survival depends on it.

This innate skill is part of what is called the ‘social nervous system’ and operates largely below our conscious thinking mind. It is an instinct we are born with, and gives us a splitsecond sense of who and what feels safe or dangerous. In turn, this cues our body to shift into a state of being at ease, which is essential for health and healing, or into a state of caution and alertness, which is essential for survival. Also known as the ‘orientation mode’ of our nervous system, this distinctly human ability is so intrinsic that we are mostly unaware of it, yet so patterned into our sense of self that it forms the bedrock of our worldview. Our habitual facial expressions form the emotional template that governs whether we experience a healthy ‘orientation response’. The face carries an emotional weighting, which tilts our internal compass for navigating the dangers of life. Because of this, it also plays a key role in health and wellbeing. What was once thought of as just a superficial aspect of the body, like an antennae to the world, is now known to be intimately connected to the deepest layers of both our physiology and psychology. The face does not just reflect the mind, but it is a physical parallel to our state of consciousness, so if our face is tense our mind will be tense too. This is a symbiotic relationship- when we relax our mind the face also relaxes and when we release tension from the face we also release the mind from tension and emotional stress. Conversely, when we see people with a habitual flattening and hardening of the expression, particularly around the forehead and eyes, this very often correlates with a history of suffering from trauma or depression. It is like a layer of emotional armouring has been created to buffer any future interactions that could potentially be painful.

As the neurobiologist Stephen Porges says, “faces become blank or flat when people become scared or challenged or are in pain.” [1] This armouring also hampers our ability to mirror and empathise with other people and develop positive nourishing relationships. We actually all carry a degree of armouring; it’s a natural human behaviour to wear different masks to handle different situations, but unfortunately these masks sometimes become fixed, inhibiting our freedom and growth. If we physically wake up the face and re-engage all the physiological structures and pathways, we can create a window of opportunity to break out of emotional patterns. This can be achieved through self-massage alongside using our mind to internally engage and release tension in our face and around our sense organs. In Vietnam, a unique form of therapy has been developed called Dien Chan (facial reflexology), which specialises in releasing the patterns of tension in the face.

It also works on the subtle interconnections between the face and the rest of the body, frequently being used to treat pain and illness throughout the body. Since the 1970s the creator of this therapy, Bui Quoc Chau, has mapped out over 200 pressure points on the face, which correlate with different aspects of our physiology, anatomy, and mind.It is very significant that this therapy was developed in the aftermath of the Vietnam-American war. Dien Chan was developed with a community suffering from the trauma and extreme stress of war. It is my understanding that because of this, Dien Chan is especially suited for working with patterns of stress, trauma, emotional and nervous system imbalance. However, in Vietnam Dien Chan is primarily know as a therapy for treating physical pain and illness. This begs the questions, what is the relationship between physical health and mental-emotional health? We now know that there is a strong link between emotional pain and physical pain as they appear to light up the same pathways in the brain.[2] The scientific study of pain, like emotion, is currently experiencing a paradigm shift, which is slowly filtering into mainstream medicine and therapy. Some researchers even describe pain as an emotion. Although I don’t believe the phenomena of emotional or physical pain can be entirely reduced to brain physiology, Dien Chan seems to be tapping into these pathways where physical and emotional healing are intertwined.

Regardless of whether we suffer physically or emotionally, the expression on our face is of the same dynamic, and this illustrates the deep entanglement between our physicality and our consciousness. Of course it is not just the face that is entangled in this dynamic, the whole body is too. Our emotions can be felt just as strongly in our chest or in our belly as in our face. It just so happens that the face is uniquely positioned to change our sensorial experience and also our raw perception of the world around us. It is for this reason that if we can change the relationship we have with our face we can in turn change the relationship we have with the world. Dien Chan therapists like to describe the face as a master control panel for all the physiological and mentalemotional processes of the body. I would take it further and suggest that the face contains a profound ability to reconfigure our entire relationship with the world around us. By increasing our moment-to-moment awareness of our face we can begin to map-out the layered connections that cascade through our nervous system, our breathing and heartbeat, our emotions and feelings, right down to the piezo-electric charge in our bones. This process begins with igniting a curiosity towards the nature of our sense organs and a willingness to question our senses. We form a question not with our words or even our thoughts, but at the most barenaked level: at the level of feeling. When we feel into the body, rather than searching for an answer, we are simply open to feeling what is there, a neutral listening under the skin. In meditation this is sometimes called ‘inner hearing’ or ‘inner vision’; in neuroscience this is called ‘interoception’ and refers to a very real sense we have that is distinct from the typical ‘five senses’.

By developing this felt sense of the body we are also developing our capacity to change our relationship with the body. If we remain in a state of calmness and safety as we explore the interoceptive space of our body this will sooth and re-pattern our nervous system. This can heal both chronic pain and emotional trauma. We cannot change what we cannot feel, or as James Baldwin said, “not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”[3] If we can feel how the tension around our eyes or in our throat connects to the more subtle internal sensations of our emotions, our mood, and our temperament, we can start to grasp how much our biology drives us. We can start to see how our habitual reactivity and biological stance twists our perception of the world. If our ‘social nervous system’ is orientated towards being on the defensive, for instance, then this will change how we see and hear other people and what we notice in the world around us. However, if we can retain a curiosity and openness in our orientation, then we can initiate a type of inquisitive alchemy, wherein the very act of paying attention to our perception transmutes it. Henry Corbin famously stated that ‘alchemy is the sister of prophecy’. [4] The prophetic referred to here does not mean to speak of what will become, but rather is a pointing towards awakening, towards more awakened ways of perception. So by re-patterning our senses we engage in a type of alchemy, one that smelts down old patterns of self-deception, rewires our physiology and forges new ways of being in the world. The metaphorical ‘gold’ that we produce is the experience of perpetually awakening into a more vivid and truthful beholding of the world.

Self-Care Sequence for Emotional and Nervous System Balance
Step 1, cross-hands massage for the eyebrows.
Step 2, cross-hands massage for the ears.
Step 3, balancing Dien Chan points 26 and 126. Step 2

This is where the practice of Dien Chan connects with the meditative and contemplative arts. Not only does Dien Chan offer a system of wellness, radical self-care and healing, but it also offers itself as a kind of psycho-technology that can keep our senses lucid and clear. Dien Chan directly engages our sense perception and the structures of our social orientation system, and therefore offers us a tool for guarding ourselves from self-deception, as well as a way of learning to make sense of the world with more clarity and discernment. In the era of ‘post-truth’ and the ‘attention economy’ our senses are hyper-stimulated and over-strained. I believe the methods and techniques of Dien Chan can greatly support us in navigating the way forward. However, rather than frame it as some kind of ‘magic bullet’ that will solve all our woes, it is better seen as a single thread in a woven ecology of practices. Breath-work, yoga, diet, sleep hygiene, meditation, contemplation and the social nourishment of friendship, music, and ritual are just as important in an ecology of practice. The beauty of Dien Chan is that it’s like a keystone in this ecology- it can interface between our internal and external worlds, enriching all these life habits and bridging the embodied self with external world. It can help us feel embedded and in kinship within our community and within nature as a whole. In other words, it works on both the personal, communal, and ecological.

  1. Stephen W. Porges, ‘The Origins of Compassion: A phylogenic perspective.’ Lecture given at the ‘Science of Compassion’ Convention at Stanford University in July 2012,, accessed October 4th 2021.
  2. Kirstin Konietzny , Boris Suchan, Nina Kreddig, Monika Hasenbring and Omar Chehadi, “Emotion regulation and pain : Behavioral and neuronal correlates: a transdiagnostic approach.” Der Schmerz (October 2016), 30(5):412-420. Also see Steve Haines, ‘Pain is Really Strange’ (Singing Dragon, 2015).
  3. James Baldwin, “As Much Truth As One Can Bear”, New York Times, January 14th 1962.
  4. Henry Corbin, Spiritual Body & Celestial Earth: From Mazdean Iran to Shi’ite Iran (Princeton University Press, 1977), xi.

Alex Scrimgeour is a licensed acupuncturist and massage therapist, with a degree in acupuncture and a diploma in Tui-Na massage from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine. He has studied Dien Chan (Vietnamese facial reflexology) extensively with Trần Dũng Thắng, Bùi Minh Trí, and other master clinicians at the Việt Y Ðạo Center in Vietnam. He is the author of Facial Reflexology for Emotional Well-Being. He gives treatments and teaches at many of the leading spas and wellness centers around the world and is based in London. https://

The post FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY FOR EMOTIONAL WELLBEING first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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SHILAJIT Fri, 03 Nov 2023 12:02:35 +0000 An Elixir of Life! Words: Wolfgang Windmann, PhD INTRODUCTION Shilajit must be one of the most interesting natural remedies to come from Central Asia. It is certainly by far one of the least well known. That it has attracted so little attention does not reflect the enormous therapeutic potential of this pure, natural substance. Its […]

The post SHILAJIT first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

An Elixir of Life!

Words: Wolfgang Windmann, PhD


Shilajit must be one of the most interesting natural remedies to come from Central Asia. It is certainly by far one of the least well known. That it has attracted so little attention does not reflect the enormous therapeutic potential of this pure, natural substance. Its profile has grown in the last few years, even in its homelands, as is evident in the increasing number of scientific studies being published. India, Pakistan, and Iran have all seen an increase in scientific efforts to explore the secrets of the effects of Shilajit. Attempts have been made through cutting-edge scientific methodology to pinpoint the healing powers attributed to it, but this natural substance is slow to surrender its secrets. Shilajit has had a somewhat mythical reputation for many years; it was difficult to obtain and problematic to deal with, given its somewhat idiosyncratic properties. The lack of standards in terms of identity, purity, and content (which persist to this day), coupled with the commercial interests of previous generations and political systems, resulted in many fakes and less effective, poor-quality products appearing on the market, which ultimately undermined buyers’ faith in its healing power over the long term. We first learned about Shilajit in Western Europe in the 1990s as it made its way here via two routes: the great wave of immigration from the states of the former Soviet Union at the start of that decade, followed by the popularization of Ayurvedic alternative therapy treatments at the end of the 1990s. Shilajit comes

treatments at the end of the 1990s. Shilajit comes from the Sanskrit and means “rock-overpowering,” while translated literally, Mumijo means “protecting the body from diseases,” and in Old Persian mum meant wax. The linguistic similarity of Mumijo to the word “mummy” has led to much confusion in Western Europe in particular.It has nothing to do with the infamous mumia vera aegyptiaca,1, 2, 3 a powder made from the ground, desiccated body parts of Egyptian mummies preserved with resin, asphalt, and extracts of cedar wood, used in traditional medicine to stop bleeding. Mumijo/Shilajit goes by different names in different linguistic regions, but most are descriptive, pointing to its outward appearance. It is described lit- erally as a kind of “sweat of the mountains.” In India it is known as Shilajit or silajatu, and in Ayurvedic medicine 4, 5 it has acquired the status of a Rasayana, an “elixir of life.”

According to Ayurvedic teaching, it energizes the vital juices, maintains youth, and revitalizes, featuring as an ingredi- ent in remedies for boosting vitality and physical condition by helping to maintain the delicate balance between the body’s various systems. In Myanmar it is known as kao-tun, the equivalent of “blood of the moun- tain,” and in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia as barachgschin, or “oil of the mountains,” Tibet, Mongolia, and the Transbaikal region call it brogschaun, or “mountain juice,” while Iran and Iraq have various names, including arakul dshibal, which translates as “mountain sweat.” It is called Mumijo in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and most of the Commonwealth of Independence States (CIS). In addition to Mumijo and Shilajit, the terms mineral pitch, bitumen, and asphalt are also widely used, with bitumen and asphalt having a secondary meaning as the petroleum products of the same name. In China and Tibet it is known as zha-xun.In the countries of Central Asia, ancient lore tells of Shilajit’s effective, if sometimes apparently mystical, healing power. Study of the scientific literature and ancient sources reveals that it was frequently combined with honey as a treatment, for both practical and therapeutic reasons. Honey is an effective way of masking its somewhat penetrating and aromatic flavor, and the therapeutic effects of honey itself are already well documented. This, of course, presumes that the finest quality honey is used, one that has not been heat-treated and is as natural as possible. The results for its use in combination with manuka honey, which is well known for its therapeutic properties, are particularly promising.


Shilajit can be used to treat all kinds of ailments including:

  • allergies
  • broken bones
  • bronchial disease
  • colds
  • gastritis and enteritis
  • hemorrhoids
  • immunodeficiency
  • impotence, infertility
  • metabolizing mineral deficiency, especially iron, selenium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, potassium, calcium, sulfur, manganese, molybdenum, and copper
  • osteoporosis
  • periodontitis
  • poor wound healing
  • phlebitis

We describe here Shilajit’s use for Osteoporosis. Please note that the doses indicated have been taken from the relevant publications cited in each case and their effectiveness has not been checked by the author.


Osteoporosis (literally, “porous bone”) has become endemic and in some Western countries it is now the cause of more hospital admissions than heart attacks and strokes combined. Respected institutions have suggested that higher life expectancy means that in fifty years’ time at least twice as many people will be suffering from osteoporosis than today. The disease is relatively simple to describe but has catastrophic consequences for those affected. More calcium is eliminated from the body’s bone structure than is deposited, resulting in a continuous calcium depletion. Bones become more porous and break more easily. The structural stability and robustness of bones is diminished.


Osteoporosis can affect anyone. Those at particular risk include preand post-menopausal women; the female sex hormones (estrogens) have a significant effect on the bone remodeling process, and a particular risk has been identified in women who have menstruated for fewer than thirty-five years. It is advisable to be aware of the risk of osteoporosis and take action in good time in order to help prevent it, perhaps discussing it with your doctor, who will advise on your specific risks and measure your bone density, if required. A bone density reading will indicate the degree of any calcium loss in your bones.

The table on page below lists the amounts of calcium that people in each age group should take to ensure their body has sufficient levels. Advice for preventing osteoporosis has changed considerably since the 2010s. Whereas taking calcium supplements on their own was previously advised, we now know much more about the vital role played by vitamin D3, which ensures that calcium is absorbed by the bones rather than being deposited in the body’s tissue and vessels as excess. Of course, a calcium pill can be taken daily with food and is often recommended, particularly for those with a poor diet. Make sure that it is the right kind of calcium that the body can process—not everything labeled “calcium” actually is calcium. Calcium supplements bought from discount stores are often calcium carbonate, only 20 percent or so of which can be absorbed by the body, with the balance having to be excreted unused. On the other hand, some 90 percent of the calcium in calcium gluconate (from pharmacies) is easily absorbed by the body, for example. These tablets can be a little more expensive, but the calcium is considerably more accessible for the body, generally making it a better choice. Before opting to take a course of calcium gluconate, ask your doctor or pharmacist for up-to-date information, and particularly if you have a special condition/illness or if you are pregnant. Taking calcium alone, however, is not sufficient, as the calcium must be absorbed to optimal effect, as indicated above. Vitamin D3 performs this role, therefore it is important to keep an eye on the levels of this vitamin as well.

Recommended calcium intake for the body.
Age Daily dose of calcium in mg
14 to 6700
27 to 9800
310 to 12900
413 to 141000
515 to 241200
625 to 50900
7From 51800
Increased requirement for calcium.
Increased requirement for
1Nursing mothers1300 mg
2Pregnant women1200 mg
3Post-menopausal women who have had no
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
1500 mg

Shilajit’s use in traditional folk medicine to prevent osteoporosis is based on the same principle as its use to help heal fractures. Like vitamin D3, it helps with the deposition of calcium in bones. Except for mineral deposits of strontium, Shilajit is the only natural substance we know of with appreciable levels of strontium. To help prevent osteoporosis, a dose of 0.2–0.5g Shilajit taken twice a day is recommended. The zinc present in Shilajit also has a valuable role to play in maintaining bone health. Zinc is an essential constituent of bone growth6, 7 and zinc levels in bone decrease with age and postmenopause. Zinc has a wide range of properties, affecting such functions as the formation and mineralization of osteoblastic bones by promoting the differentiation of cells into osteoblastic (bone-forming) cells and inhibiting oesteoclastic (bone-resorption) function.

Calcium content of foods
FoodAverage calcium content per 100 g (3.5 oz)
1Whole (full-fat) milk 3.5%100
2Hard cheese800
4Gouda, medium-aged900
5Alpine cheese 45%1200
6Emmental 45%1020
7Poppy seeds1448
8Sesame seeds783
9Soya beans250
10Snap peas (sugar snap peas)310

Excerpted from ‘Shilajit: The Ayurvedic Adaptogen for Anti-aging and Immune Power’

  1. Benno R. Meyer-Hicken. Über die Herkunft der “Mumia” genannten Substanzen und ihre Anwendung als Heilmittel. Doctoral thesis, Kiel 1978.
  2. Various authors. Merck Index. 3rd edition, 1910, 341.
  3. Der Apothekerpraktikant. 2nd edition, 1939, 662.
  4. Gupta, S.H., Stapelfeld, E. Ayurveda Medizin. 3rd edition, Thieme, 2019.
  5. Zoller, A., Nordwig, H. Heilpflanzen der ayurvedischen Medizin. Haug, Heidelberg.
  6. 90 Yamaguchi, M. Role of nutritional zinc in the prevention of osteoporosis. Mol Cell Biochem. 2010 May;338(1–2):241–54. doi: 10.1007/s11010-009-0358- 0. Epub 2009 Dec 25. PMID: 20035439.
  7. 91 Jiménez, M., Abradelo, C., San Román, J., Rojo, L. Bibliographic review on the state of the art of strontium and zinc based regenerative therapies. Recent devel- opments and clinical applications. J Mater Chem B. 2019 Mar 28; 7(12):1974– 1985. doi: 10.1039/c8tb02738b. Epub 2019 Feb 27. PMID: 32254801.

Wolfgang Windmann, Ph.D., holds a degree in pharmacy and a doctorate in natural sciences from the University of Würzburg. He has been working with Shilajit since 1994 and has twice traveled to Central Asia to study its formation and extraction. He runs a pharmaceutical company with a focus on natural products and lives near Leer in East Frisia, Germany.

The post SHILAJIT first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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HEALING FAMILY PATTERNS Fri, 03 Nov 2023 06:37:58 +0000 Transforming Generational Energies Words: Inna Sega Within our ancestral lineage, there can often be unresolved issues and energetic imprints that continue to influence our lives. These generational patterns, stored within our subtle bodies, affect our mental, emotional, and energetic well-being. However, when one person in the family chooses to confront and heal these deepseated patterns, […]

The post HEALING FAMILY PATTERNS first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

Transforming Generational Energies

Words: Inna Sega

Within our ancestral lineage, there can often be unresolved issues and energetic imprints that continue to influence our lives. These generational patterns, stored within our subtle bodies, affect our mental, emotional, and energetic well-being. However, when one person in the family chooses to confront and heal these deepseated patterns, it has the potential to create a transformative ripple effect that benefits not only themselves but the entire family.

Unearthing the Past: A Grandfather’s Story

Many years ago, I had the privilege of hearing my grandfather’s harrowing tale of survival in a Siberian work camp from the age of 14 to 24. Despite enduring unimaginable hardships, his intuitive abilities and unwavering courage were nothing short of extraordinary. However, as he approached the age of 70, the weight of his past began to manifest in his demeanour. He became increasingly depressed, critical, and negative, making it challenging to connect with him on a meaningful level. One day, as he shared the intricate details of his story , the profound emotional impact triggered a surge of empathy and understanding within me. I cried, which made him uncomfortable. So I decided that the best thing to do was to leave, allowing myself the time and the space to explore my feelings. When I got home I didn’t feel like talking to anyone, so I locked myself in the bathroom and decided to have a shower. Standing under the soothing water of the shower, I began to cry. But these were not just my tears. It was as if I had tapped into a deep reservoir of the pain and suppressed emotions that my grandfather had carried silently within him and was feeling what he had never allowed himself to feel.

Transformative Healing and Family Impact

In that poignant moment, I realised that I had a unique opportunity to assist in the healing process not only for myself but for my entire family lineage. Through a connection that transcended time and space, I offered my love and became a conduit for my grandfather to express the feelings he had long suppressed. For an hour, I cried tears that didn’t feel like mine. I wept for the traumatised child that my grandfather once was, sending him waves of love, compassion, and the healing qualities that I felt were necessary to address the unspoken pain he carried. It was an intense and cathartic experience, a sacred exchange of emotions and energies. I realised that I was working directly with my grandfathers inner child. Over the next 3 weeks I connected to his inner child daily and observed as he strengthened and became healthier.

Gone were the shadows that had clouded his spirit. He was sharing jokes, telling me enchanting stories and was being positive about his health conditions. As weeks and months passed, the profound shift in my grandfather’s energy was evident to everyone who knew him. Although no one in the family could put their finger on how this had occurred. After a while I shared what I experienced with those members of the family who were open to it. They were amazed by the power of ancestral healing and inquired how they could release the emotional burdens they felt they were carrying. Later, several attended some of the live and online courses where I teach how to do this. It is empowering to know that by acknowledging and transmuting the pain of the past, we are able to bring light into the darkness and uplift not only ourselves but our entire family

Healing for Ourselves and Future Generations

The experience with my grandfather taught me a valuable lesson about the interconnectedness of our familial energies. We are not isolated individuals; rather, we are part of an intricate tapestry woven by the lives that came before us. The unresolved wounds and unexpressed emotions of our ancestors have the potential to reverberate through the generations, affecting our own mental, emotional, and energetic well-being. To break free from this cycle, we must have the courage to face and feel what our ancestors could not. By understanding, acknowledging and learning from the experiences they were unable to process, as well as discovering the wisdom of our own feelings we create an opportunity for profound healing and transformation. The energy that was once suppressed and confined finds release and restoration, allowing us to not only rewrite the narrative of our lives but to become the co-creators of new and empowering possibilities. When we confront and heal these generational patterns, we not only liberate ourselves from the burden of unresolved ancestral pain but also contribute to the healing of our lineage as a whole. In particular lightening the burden for our children who can then focus on living their own lives fully without carrying heavy burdens from the past they may know little about.

Why it’s Important Not to Push Away Family Patterns

It is important to recognise that these generational energies cannot be pushed away or suppressed indefinitely. If left unaddressed, they will find alternative ways to manifest in our lives, often leading to repetitive patterns of behaviour, emotional challenges, and even physical ailments. By choosing to confront these energies head-on, we create space for profound growth and transformation. Acknowledging the pain and emotions that our ancestors were unable to express requires tremendous courage. It may involve revisiting painful memories, delving into unresolved traumas, and allowing ourselves to truly feel the depths of our own emotions in order to discover greater wisdom and to gain deeper levels of compassion. This process can be challenging and may require the support of therapists, healers, or trusted confidants who can provide a safe space for exploration. As we engage in this healing journey, it is essential to approach ourselves and our ancestors with kindness and a desire to understand what they have been through. We must release any judgments or expectations and instead hold space for the emotions that arise. This compassionate approach allows us to create a bridge between past and present, facilitating the integration and release of ancestral pain. So let us embrace the opportunity to transform ourselves and our ancestral imprints, creating a legacy of healing, resilience, and love for generations to come.

Inna Segal is a bestselling, award winning author of several books and cards on wellness and healing. Her new book is called ‘Understanding Modern Spirituality.’ For more info about her work and free masterclasses please visit

The post HEALING FAMILY PATTERNS first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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WHY YOGIS LIVE BY WATER? Fri, 03 Nov 2023 05:33:55 +0000 Words: Yogi Maharaj Dr Malik INTRODUCTION For centuries, ancient yogis have understood the unique and distinct properties of living near water and practicing yoga and spiritual disciplines in such environments. Remote locations with water have been sought after not only for privacy but also for the numerous benefits they provide to yogis. The prevalence of […]

The post WHY YOGIS LIVE BY WATER? first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

Words: Yogi Maharaj Dr Malik


For centuries, ancient yogis have understood the unique and distinct properties of living near water and practicing yoga and spiritual disciplines in such environments. Remote locations with water have been sought after not only for privacy but also for the numerous benefits they provide to yogis. The prevalence of water in an environment offers an ideal opportunity to significantly improve health. According to yogic thought, we are not merely mechanical bodies but encompass other states as well, including the mind and spirit/soul. Throughout the centuries, yogis have placed immense importance on exploring how the environment impacts a person’s spiritual practice. Deep meditative states performed in the natural world have given rise to profound ideas, supported by a wealth of data that remains accessible even today.

Ayurveda, the sister branch of Yoga, which deals with medicinal knowledge from the Indian subcontinent, also emphasises the impact of both the external and internal environment on health and well-being. We are considered to be composed of several distinct layers, not just a singular being. Our existence is characterised by constant change and transformation. Yogic teachings focus on the everchanging nature of humanity. Through the integration of techniques designed to work with the mind, body, and spirit, we have the ability to literally alter our being. In this century, academic institutions have conducted various types of research to verify or refute ideas documented in ancient spiritual texts, including yogic and other spiritual texts like the Vedas.

“Yogic teachings focus on the ever-changing nature of humanity. Through the integration of techniques designed to work with the mind, body, and spirit, we have the ability to literally alter our being”.


It is not surprising to practitioners, not only in the yoga traditions but also in other spiritual and mystical traditions such as the Jewish Kabbalists, Orthodox Christians, Islamic Sufis, Lamas, and Priests of various practices, that there are universal laws that exist and cannot be broken or changed, leading to definite results. Knowledge of these matters enhances our interaction with the multiple worlds around us. It’s important to note that according to Yoga, we do not live in just one world, but rather, there are other dimensions of existential reality.

One example of a modern scientific analysis of this concept is the emergence of Quantum Physics and the acceptance of parallel universes existing alongside our conventional perception of reality. This knowledge has existed for thousands of years, and many practitioners accept that such advanced technology and related knowledge were available to certain ancient civilisations. However, in some cases, the misuse of such knowledge led to the downfall of those civilisations as they were unable to use the technology ethically, resulting in self-destruction.

Now let’s focus on the specific topic of why, over the centuries, yogis have chosen to live near water. When referring to water, I am encompassing the various forms in which it exists in our environment, such as the sea, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, streams, brooks, ponds, canals, and oceans.


Ancient yogis recognised a correlation between living near water and experiencing significant improvements in health and well-being. This lifestyle choice not only supported their spiritual journey but also enhanced their siddhis (superpowers). Maintaining good health and a peaceful state of mind are prerequisites for progressing on the spiritual path, and vice versa. This means that even if one’s health is poor and their mind is unsettled, the practice of yoga can reverse or alleviate those symptoms, preparing them for the possibility of embarking on a spiritual journey. The seed of potentiality exists within each individual and can awaken, sprout, and grow when nurtured using yogic methodology. As mentioned earlier, we are not merely individuals; we are everchanging entities experiencing constant transformation with every passing moment. While we often categorise life into stages like birth, adulthood, old age, and death, yogic philosophy recognises the existence of numerous in-between stages. Recent scientific research aligns with this understanding of human development. Our ability to change is not limited to physical growth; it extends to our thoughts and consciousness as well. By simply altering our thoughts, we have the power to redefine who we are. Our physical bodies, too, are in a constant state of flux. We are not fixed beings but rather dynamic organisms in which millions of processes occur every second. These processes are carried out by our cells, the building blocks of our bodies.


Remarkably, we have approximately 60 trillion live cells within us, an astounding figure to contemplate. Each cell is unique and functions as an individual entity. These cells not only communicate with one another but also possess the remarkable ability to communicate with entities from other dimensions—a topic best explored separately. Each cell possesses multiple properties and abilities, making it a dynamic entity capable of influencing our lives. When we think of cell death, it is essential to note that cells do not die automatically. They can survive for a few weeks even after the process of death as we commonly understand it. For cells to thrive, they require regular charging. Our bodies have two generators responsible for producing electricity: the heart and the brain. The upper part of the head, known as the Atrium, serves as an electricity generator. This electrical charge plays a crucial role in the survival and optimal functioning of cells, allowing them to complete their tasks before being replaced by new, fresh cells. While cells die and are destroyed regularly, they are continuously replenished. Every day, hour, minute, and second, new cells are generated to replace the old ones. This process occurs tirelessly, even during our sleep, as our cells work ceaselessly 24 hours a day. Within our brain, we possess approximately 10 billion brain cells, commonly known as “brain cells.” In addition to these, we also have about a billion other types of cells known as Glia cells. Although ongoing research seeks to uncover their precise functions, their abundance makes it improbable that they serve no purpose at all.


The electrical activity in cells is measured in cycles. This electric current can be quantified using electroencephalography (EEG), a technique developed by German expert Rd. Hans Berger. EEG measures three types of brain waves: Alpha Waves, Beta Waves, and Theta Waves. Alpha Waves, with a frequency of 8 to 13 cycles per second, are the most commonly emitted brain waves. Beta Waves are faster, emitting 24 to 25 cycles per second. During deep sleep, Theta Waves are present, with a frequency of 3 cycles per second. Meditation has been found to induce Theta Waves, resulting in reduced electricity usage and conservation of energy during this state of deep relaxation. Unlike other cell types, brain cells are generally not replaceable. Once a brain cell dies or is destroyed, it is lost, and there is no natural replacement. We begin to lose brain cells around the age of 20, resulting in a gradual decrease in brain power of approximately one gram per year. In Yoga, the practice of pranayama is advocated, as outlined by Patanjali, the Father of Yoga, and mentioned in other classical Yogic texts. Pranayama primarily focuses on breathing techniques and plays a crucial role in maintaining brain health. Through the practice of Pranayama, we can charge our brain cells and ensure their continued activity and vitality, reducing the risk of premature cell death. In Yoga, great attention is given to Pranayama exercises to maintain the health of our body and keep our brain cells regularly charged. Additionally, yogis prefer to consume organic food obtained from natural resources, recognising the importance of a balanced and nourishing diet.


As yogis age, many seek out places to live near water, such as waterfalls or secluded locations off the grid. One of the reasons for this choice is the beneficial interaction between fresh air and water, which generates floating electrons that are absorbed by the body. Living in such an environment allows the floating electrons to charge the brain cells. Living near water environments that contain salt and minerals offers numerous benefits. Water with salt and other minerals has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which cleanse and detoxify the mind and body. Taking a walk by the sea, for example, can provide tangible benefits. Practicing Pranayama exercises in a saline environment enhances the effects on the mind and body. Salt water also aids in healing wounds, burns, cuts, and sores. Water from natural sources, such as springs, brooks, and mountains, is imbued with special properties and energising minerals that positively impact mental and physical health. Breathing in the charge released by water in the air through Pranayama exercises helps improve the necessary functions of the mind and body. Ancient yogic texts describe a purification exercise called neti, where a specially designed pot filled with saline water is used to cleanse the nasal passages. This practice, along with mixing salt in the water, has been shown to help manage conditions like asthma and chronic respiratory issues. Drinking and breathing in saline water and living near water sources provide an array of health benefits. Salt baths have been used for centuries, from ancient Greek spas to the healing properties of the Dead Sea. Different types of salt can be used to lower blood pressure, improve electrolyte balance, and regulate internal heart functions. One crucial benefit known to ancient yogis for thousands of years is that the body’s cells benefit tremendously from breathing in and drinking salt water. It regulates metabolism, provides nourishment to trillions of cells, and contributes to overall wellness. Yogis have designed Pranayama techniques to naturally and safely inhale minerals as water evaporates from natural sources.

This practice helps maintain the balance of electrolytes within cells and enhances cell function. While plain water is vital for life, excessive consumption can have negative effects on the body. Drinking excess plain water interferes with the activity of internal cells, as it can carry away essential minerals and nutrients necessary for their optimal functioning. Yogis have emphasised the importance of balancing electrolytes in the body, as excess consumption of water dilutes sodium and can lead to kidney problems, brain cell damage, bloating, and chronic conditions. Living near water and practicing Pranayama allow yogis to safely and effectively benefit from inhaling saline water, absorbing its minerals and properties. Water from different sources, such as springs and rivers, carries its own unique properties that contribute to mental and physical health. Breathing in saline water releases minerals in the air, which can be inhaled and absorbed into the mind and body at a cellular level. This significantly improves overall wellness, reducing anxiety, stress, and ageing. Breathing the air around water bodies, such as the sea or ocean, helps improve the respiratory tract’s mucous lining and provides relief for chronic respiratory conditions.


Modern scientific research confirms the crucial role electrolytes play in cell activities and overall health. Electrolytes, which carry electrical charges, are essential for various bodily functions, including muscle activity, digestion, and heart function. Imbalances in electrolyte levels can lead to muscle cramps, spasms, digestive issues, anxiety, and other ailments. Living near water environments also enhances the health of the immune system, improves energy levels, and promotes more restful sleep. Ancient yogis were aware of the electrical conductivity of electrolytes and their role in cellular energy production. Furthermore, practicing Pranayama exercises in such environments provide a holistic approach to well-being, incorporating the beneficial properties of water, minerals, and electrolytes. Living near water truly offers a transformative experience for those on the spiritual path.

Yogi Maharaj Dr. Malik is the Founder and Editor (since 2003) of YOGA Magazine and is a recognised international expert and an authority on the subject of Yoga. He started his training under the guidance of Yogis from the Himalayan region at the age of six and also received instructions from Sufis, Lamas and Sadhus. He is an accredited Yoga teacher specialising in Kundalini, Hatha and Laya Yoga

The post WHY YOGIS LIVE BY WATER? first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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DISSOLVING PROCRASTINATION WITH HEADSTAND Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:00:12 +0000 Words: Nuzhat Jabinh FRSA H ave you ever procrastinated about something you wanted to do, or worse: about something you knew you had to do that was becoming more urgent the longer you left it? You are far from alone if the answer to that is yes, especially if it was in the last few […]

The post DISSOLVING PROCRASTINATION WITH HEADSTAND first appeared on Yoga Magazine.


Words: Nuzhat Jabinh FRSA

H ave you ever procrastinated about something you wanted to do, or worse: about something you knew you had to do that was becoming more urgent the longer you left it? You are far from alone if the answer to that is yes, especially if it was in the last few years or got much worse at that time. Procrastination was a global trend during 2020 and for some time afterwards. My weekly yoga class wasn’t an option during that time and it has taken me until April 2023 to get back into a weekly intermediate Iyengar class. This is about how headstand can help you close the gap between where you are now and where you intend to be. Not all pausing is procrastination. Sometimes taking a long time to mull over something, or dithering when unsure is necessary in order to make a decision that is right for you.

“Procrastination is a problem of mood and emotional regulation. It’s often coupled with self-criticism and self-blame, which sadly make it worse”.


A useful first step is to be clear about how urgent the tasks are. Are there serious penalties if they are not completed on time? The second category might be things where the negative results from a delay are still serious, but won’t carry fines or convictions: like not preparing in time for an exam. The third category is another one people often struggle with: mundane tasks that it would be better to do but are boring and repetitive, where the negative results may be unpleasant but can be tolerated by some people for long periods of time, like not cleaning windows often.


People often mistake procrastination for a productivity or willpower problem, or berate themselves for being lazy. According to the research: none of those things are at the root of it. You don’t need another wall planner. Procrastination is a mix of emotions triggered by the idea of having to do tasks or face up to situations that we want to shy away from. Common reasons for that include underlying feelings of fear, anxiety and perfectionism. Procrastination is a problem of mood and emotional regulation. It’s often coupled with self-criticism and self-blame, which sadly make it worse. It’s often a feeling of being out of synch: we know all too well what we are supposed to be doing; we find it almost impossible to make ourselves do it. For me, it was sometimes about wanting to keep the feeling of potential: rather than pitching as soon as I had an idea, I might have waited months or not pitched at all. Under that is obviously a fear of rejection, typical of procrastination. I knew it would be better to pitch quickly, accept a no if that’s the case and move on and pitch for something else. I’m very productive, which means the overall negative affects of this were minor, but it bothered me because I knew I wasn’t completing as much as I wanted to.


Headstand deals with the aspect of procrastination that is fear, conscious or unconscious. Knowing on a bodily level that you can do this spreads into other aspects of our lives and we start letting go of fear. Fear like any emotion is not good or bad, it simply is. Sometimes we need to ask: how relevant is this emotion, how seriously does it need to be taken? There are lots of situations where feeling fear is a life-saving message. That rarely applies to tasks that we are putting off, or indeed to headstand. While headstand does need to be approached sensibly, with caution and guidance at first, it is worth over-coming the fear of it.

Our thoughts, emotions and movement are intimately connected and are in fact our body. This often makes it easier to approach something we are trying to change in terms of thought, mood or behaviour somatically; vrikshasana, tree pose for increasing confidence, or in this case: sirshana, headstand for dissolving procrastination. In ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ by Bessel van der Kolk this method is discussed in detail and proven to be effective. It’s not the case that we need to focus on being more motivated; working with the body means that using headstand we can ease feelings of fear, anxiety and perfectionism that stand in the way of us getting on with whatever it is we need to do.


Our language doesn’t help in this case, because while action is the opposite of both procrastination and depression, that doesn’t spring to mind in the way that opposites like long/short do, perhaps because the former are more complex ideas and therefore not so obvious. It’s worth considering your mental health and how neurotypical you are if procrastination is becoming an issue for you or always has been. It can be an indicator of depression; people who have ADHD, are Highly Sensitive, dyslexic and who are on the Austistic spectrum may also struggle a lot with procrastination. My yoga tutors have often said that people with a headstand practice never suffer from depression; this may not be clinically proven, but if sirshana is anything: it is a pose about action, which is part of why it relieves procrastination too.


Dr Neff ‘s research finds that selfcompassion is one of the most effective ways of being. Meta-emotions are how we feel about how we feel. If we can be compassionate towards ourselves about our procrastination instead of having an internal dialogue that is telling us off for being “lazy” or “irresponsible”, we are more likely to move through it and get on with what needs to be done. It’s helpful to start to think of emotions as just ‘being’ and accept them initially, rather than judging them and ourselves while we have them. Applying self-compassion to your yoga practice is also helpful, whatever level you are at. If you are a beginner, give yourself at least a year to go from zero to headstand. It’s an intermediate pose. It’s my favourite way to move out of procrastination into action. Despite having done yoga for a decade, I had never intended to practice headstand. I was sure my neck would snap off and I didn’t think I had the upper body strength I thought I needed. In fact, strong legs, a strong core and balance are more relevant, and balance at least is something I usually find easy. After going to Peter Kosasih’s classes at Jiva in Wimbledon for a couple of years there was a point where he insisted, to my surprise, that I had the physical strength and that it was fear that was holding me back. The mention of fear got my attention, because I didn’t feel that consciously and if it was ‘just’ fear that was holding me back: that had to go. At that point I wasn’t thinking of or indeed aware of what the wider effects of a headstand practice might be. Find a good teacher who inspires you: it makes the world of difference. You’ll need supervision at first and for a while afterwards as you learn to be in proper alignment while in the pose, to protect your neck and back muscles. With procrastination in general it’s helpful to think about what the next small step is, and take that if possible. That method will work for moving towards headstand too; practising poses like ardha pincha mayurasana, dolphin pose, to get used to putting weight on your forearms.


Motivation naturally ebbs and flows. Business guru Ramit Sethi suggests putting systems in place for anything we’re serious about doing, so that we are not dependent on being in the right mood to get things done. This is why joining a class or scheduling oneto-ones can help so much: once that structure is there you have committed to it both by putting it in your diary and by paying for it in advance. (The latter is my recommendation: you have the benefit of having fully committed and it is often cheaper; you are much more likely to follow through with the practice). Making it a habit can also be effective. The academic BJ Fogg’s website ‘Tiny Habits’ is all about that. For example: one pose a day feels completely manageable to me and means that there is almost never a day when I skip yoga. In my view, one of the ways of doing something you’re struggling with, or finding it hard to commit to, is to lower the barrier until you can step over it easily. You can always raise it in future. This applies to meditation too: you only need 10 minutes a day at any time of day to gain all the benefits. It can support your yoga practice and be integrated with it.


It can give you useful information as you’re working on it: in the past, once I could get into headstand, sometimes I would waiver. In my first session with my current teacher, Claudia Dossena at Triyoga in Chelsea, she said “Don’t change your mind half way” as I wobbled in my first attempt to go up into headstand. That was about the residual fear that even if I had done it before, it wasn’t recently. Becoming aware of that meant that I could start to put it aside and think about whether that applied in other areas of my life.


This year a lot of people are feeling more dynamic. A strong headstand practice can support that. This May not only was I back in full headstand for the first time in over a year, it was the first time I was in headstand without a teacher nearby. I felt I had gone up a level, as I can now maintain this practice whatever happens with classes. One result of that was that I sent in a pitch for this article the same week and to my delight got a swift reply saying yes! In 2019 I used to have a Jay-Z quote on my wall for inspiration “Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week”. I put it up after successfully delivering a project that was one year off-schedule within a few weeks of my starting. Recently it fell out from some of my papers. I’m in that mood again: it’s going back up on the wall. While moods are transient, a headstand practice can be for life.

Nuzhat Jabinh FRSA is a writer, speaker and born and bred Londoner who has practiced Iyengar for over a decade. Her short post grad is in Neuroethics from the University of Oxford. Her writing has been published by The Guardian, The North and is held at the Gotlieb Archive at the University of Boston. She consults in the ethics of AI; has run large scale IT projects and is focused on solving problems.

The post DISSOLVING PROCRASTINATION WITH HEADSTAND first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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REAWAKENING THE ANCIENT LOHAN YOGA Mon, 30 Oct 2023 11:42:46 +0000 A Journey Through Antiquity, Imagination, and Transformation Words: Neil Willcott The ancient practice of Lohan Yoga, originating from the Shaolin Temple, has been long obscured in history, its authentic essence distorted and diluted over time. In recent years, dedicated practitioners and researchers have taken up the challenge of reviving, restoring, and remastering this lost art. […]

The post REAWAKENING THE ANCIENT LOHAN YOGA first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

A Journey Through Antiquity, Imagination, and Transformation

Words: Neil Willcott

The ancient practice of Lohan Yoga, originating from the Shaolin Temple, has been long obscured in history, its authentic essence distorted and diluted over time. In recent years, dedicated practitioners and researchers have taken up the challenge of reviving, restoring, and remastering this lost art. In this article, we embark on a journey through the mythical origins of Lohan Yoga, the challenges faced in preserving its legacy, and the unique characteristics that define this practice. Finally, we explore how imagination and creativity can be harnessed to enhance and evolve Lohan Yoga for future generations.


The origins of Lohan Yoga can be traced back to the time of the Buddha and Bodhidharma, the founder of the Chan (Zen) Buddhist tradition. The practice was an integral part of the spiritual and physical training of monks at the Shaolin Temple. The 18 Lohan, or Arhats, were the original followers of the Buddha. The Shaolin Temple was established to honour and continue their teachings. Lohan was a core practice at the temple, serving as both a physical and spiritual discipline. “Lohan” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Arhat,” meaning a person who has achieved spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. In the context of Lohan Yoga, it refers to the practitioners who aspire to attain a similar state of spiritual realisation. Over time, the Shaolin Temple faced numerous challenges, including political upheavals and destruction. As a result, the knowledge and practice of Lohan were fragmented and hidden, with many aspects being lost or distorted.

“Lohan” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Arhat,” meaning a person who has achieved spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death”.


As the practice of Lohan was threatened by external forces, it was passed down through families who sought the prestige, wealth, and social status associated with being Kung Fu masters. However, the focus on martial arts often overshadowed the yoga aspect. In 19th-century China, social conventions dictated that high-status individuals avoid laborious activities, wear delicate clothing, and maintain certain appearances. These conventions hindered the preservation and practice of Lohan Yoga. Some masters taught select students behind closed doors, away from the social restrictions. However, these students rarely learned the full extent of the yoga system, as their primary focus was on martial arts advancement.


The journey to revive Lohan Yoga involves adapting it to the modern and postmodern social context while respecting its ancient etiquette, traditions, and rituals. This includes promoting virtues like compassion and maintaining the integrity of the practice. To preserve Lohan Yoga, it must be made accessible to future students and communities while learning from past mistakes. The practice must evolve to meet the needs and interests of practitioners across generations.


Lohan Yoga emphasises a continuous flow through various poses, with a focus on stances, squats, and sequences symbolising an allegorical journey toward enlightenment. Unique meditation practices, such as wall gazing, complement the physical aspects of the practice. Once practitioners master the basic and intermediate patterns of movement, they are encouraged to adapt and personalise their practice, creating a unique version that evolves over their lifetime. As they age, they may shift from complex balances to a slower, more meditative sequence. Lohan Yoga includes many poses that are well-known in mainstream yoga but often have different names. For example, the crow pose is called “Golden Phoenix Looks at the Sun,” while “Guan Yin Sits on the Lotus Flower” resembles the toe stand padangusthasana with hands in prayer. Some poses in Lohan Yoga are not found in traditional Indian yoga. One such pose is “The Sleeping Buddha,” an advanced balance using one elbow and one foot that symbolises the Buddha’s last moments and his mindful compassion toward the person responsible.


The advanced practice in Lohan Yoga focuses on creativity and imagination rather than complex poses. Here, we outline various aspects of imagination that yoga practitioners can incorporate into their practice, regardless of style:

  1. Sensory imagination can be used to create vivid mental images of yoga postures, breath flow, and alignment, enhancing the mindbody connection during practice. It can also create serene, calming mental environments during meditation or relaxation.
  2. Reproductive imagination involves recalling past experiences and lessons learned during yoga practice. It can include mentally replaying previous classes, sensations, emotions, and insights, as well as drawing upon yoga philosophy and applying it to one’s practice.
  3. Creative imagination explores new variations, modifications, and sequences of yoga poses, incorporating unconventional approaches to practice. This can involve adapting and personalising the practice to individual needs, interests, and intentions, as well as generating innovative ideas for integrating yoga into daily life.
  4. Transformative imagination envisions the potential transformation and growth that can arise from yoga practice. This can involve exploring how yoga contributes to personal development, self-awareness, and positive change in various aspects of life, as well as how it can benefit the broader community and the world.
  5. Transcendent imagination delves into the deeper spiritual aspects of yoga, going beyond the physical and mental aspects. This can involve contemplating abstract and metaphysical concepts associated with yoga, such as the nature of consciousness, interconnectedness of all beings, and realisation of the self beyond the ego. It can also cultivate awe and reverence for the universe, deepening the spiritual dimension of the practice.

The revival of Lohan Yoga offers an opportunity to rediscover and preserve an ancient practice with deep spiritual roots. By understanding its history, adapting it to modern contexts, and harnessing the power of imagination, practitioners can not only be a part of reviving Lohan Yoga but also enrich and evolve their personal yoga practice. As the legacy of Lohan Yoga is passed on to future generations, it continues to inspire and transform the lives of those who embrace its teachings.

Niel Willcott, a renowned martial arts and wellbeing expert, dedicates his life to teaching rare practices like Lohan Yoga, rooted in ancient Chinese culture, martial arts, and Buddhist philosophy. Under the guidance of esteemed masters, Niel mastered the complete Lohan system, feeling a profound responsibility to spread and adapt it while preserving authenticity. His expertise goes beyond physical movements, incorporating mindfulness and insight aligned with Zen philosophy. Niel’s achievements in martial arts, international travels, and study with renowned teachers showcase his commitment to providing students a diverse and enriching experience. Niel’s teachings offer access to a powerful form of yoga and a rich tradition, standing as an unwavering example of preserving ancient wisdom in a commercialized world.

Phone: 07411144446
IG: @lohan

The post REAWAKENING THE ANCIENT LOHAN YOGA first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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HONOUR YOURSELF Mon, 30 Oct 2023 08:38:48 +0000 TEACHINGS FROM SWAMI MUKTANANDA Words: Victor Parachin It’s not often that a teenage boy encounters a sage and immediately experiences a powerful surge of awareness, so much that the 15 year-old decides to leave home wandering all over his country in search of spiritual Truth. Yet, this is precisely what took place in the life […]

The post HONOUR YOURSELF first appeared on Yoga Magazine.


Words: Victor Parachin

It’s not often that a teenage boy encounters a sage and immediately experiences a powerful surge of awareness, so much that the 15 year-old decides to leave home wandering all over his country in search of spiritual Truth. Yet, this is precisely what took place in the life of 15 year old Krishna Rau upon meeting Hindu ascetic Bhagavan Nityananda. That boy would emerge as one of India’s leading spiritual teachers and often described as a “guru’s guru”. Krishna Rau was born on May 16, 1908 into a prosperous middle class Indian family living near the South Indian city of Mangalore. As a very young child he was fascinated by stories about India’s sages and saints. In this way, he was temperamentally prepared to meet and respond to spiritual teachings. Departing from his family and home, Rau made his way to an Ashram where, after a few months, he received initiation as a sannyasin, a wandering ascetic monk. He took the name Swami Muktananda which means “the bliss of liberation.” Over the next 30 years he traveled all over India, mostly by foot, in search of his teacher, one who could lead him to a direct experience of Truth. In the process, he learned from more than sixty teachers and became proficient in hatha yoga, ayurveda, and meditation.

Siddha Yoga tradition, teaches and aspires to help “everyone, everywhere, to realise the presence of divinity in themselves and creation, the cessation of all miseries and suffering, and the attainment of supreme bliss.”

It was only when he re-connected with Bhagavan Nityananada whom he first met as a 15 year-old that Muktananda realised this man was the teacher he was seeking. From Nityananda, he accepted initiation into the Siddha Yoga tradition, one which teaches and aspires to help “everyone, everywhere, to realise the presence of divinity in themselves and creation, the cessation of all miseries and suffering, and the attainment of supreme bliss.” Following this initiation, Muktananda spent the next 9 years in intensive meditation practices and emerged from this time of retreat ready to offer instruction and guidance to others. As more and more came to study with him, Muktananda – affectionately called Baba by devotees – established an Ashram near the village of Ganeshpuri in the Indian state of Maharashtra. With word of his teachings and compassionate presence spreading, students began arriving at the Ashram from all over the world: Americans, Canadians, Australians, and Japanese. He came to be affectionately known as “Baba” to his friends and devotees. The fundamental teachings of Siddha Yoga presented by Muktananda were very simple but powerful. Again and again, Swami Muktananda would tell people, “Meditate on your Self. God dwells within you as you,” and, as a natural expression of the experience of inner divinity, “see God in each other.” Consistently, he reminded people to see the Truth which exists within the inner Self. “Man goes to great trouble to acquire knowledge of the material world. He learns all branches of mundane science. He explores the earth and even travels to the moon but he never tries to find out what exists within himself,” he said. Unaware of the “enormous power” humans have within, they look for love and happiness in all the wrong places. “The truth is that the inner Self of every human being is supremely great and supremely lovable,” he taught. When teaching meditation, Muktananda directed individuals to do Hamsa meditation saying “the specialty of Hamsa is that it works for anyone. It can be practiced very easily and naturally by young people or old people, by people of every county and every religion.

You can practice it while living an ordinary life in the world.” This meditation uses the sound of breath entering and exiting and is done this way: Upon inhaling, one says “hum”; upon exhaling one says “sa”. Though short and simple, it is an ancient and powerful meditation technique when practiced regularly. Muktananda taught primarily in India but made several international teaching tours. He also authored books including ‘I Am That: The Science of Hamsa and Play of Consciousness’. A diabetic, he suffered from complications of the disease including a major stroke and heart attack which required lengthy hospitalization. With his cardiovascular health continually deteriorating, he had a final heart attack and died on October 02, 1982. Following his death, several accusations of sexual impropriety were made causing divisions and doubts among followers. As he could not defend himself to accusations – primarily anonymous – made after his death, leaders of Siddha Yoga maintained that Muktananda was a highly evolved spiritual master but not a perfect one.

Victor M. Parachin, M. Div. (CYT) is an author, Vedic educator, yoga instructor, and Buddhist meditation teacher. He is the director of Tulsa Yoga Meditation Centre (USA). Victor researches and writes extensively about eastern spiritual philosophy and is the author of numerous books. His work is published regularly in YOGA Magazine. His book – ‘Think Like a Buddha: 108 Days of Mindfulness’ was published by Hohm Publishers and his latest book ‘Buddhist Wisdom for Beginners: An A-Z Guide’ is published by Sunstone Press.

The post HONOUR YOURSELF first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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AN INTRODUCTION TO YOGA FOR SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:18:15 +0000 Words: Patty Wildasinn Illustrations: Israel Ron Photographs: Heather Bejar Are you interested in teaching yoga to special needs students? Or maybe you want to incorporate yoga at home with your own kids? Then, keep reading! I am a Kundalini yogi, counsellor, mom to an adult autistic son, and I put the fun in functional! I […]

The post AN INTRODUCTION TO YOGA FOR SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

Words: Patty Wildasinn

Illustrations: Israel Ron

Photographs: Heather Bejar

Are you interested in teaching yoga to special needs students? Or maybe you want to incorporate yoga at home with your own kids? Then, keep reading! I am a Kundalini yogi, counsellor, mom to an adult autistic son, and I put the fun in functional! I am passionate about delivering yoga to all abilities, and am thrilled to be sharing a series of articles on delivering yoga to special needs kids and adults. Much of the information shared is adapted from my first book, Yogable, A Gentle Approach to Yoga for Special Populations, in addition to new tips and tools. This population will love and challeng you. They are honest, and they may be loud or very subdued. You may be touched, smelled, licked, and hugged, or conversely ignored and dismissed. One minute your heart may be so full you’re simply bursting with love, and the next you are asking yourself, “Why am I doing this?” These students will be your teachers. They will push you to be a better person and will hold you accountable. How do you begin? Begin by saying “Yes. Yes, you are welcome.” Honestly, yoga is fabulous for all kids!

Yogic techniques are useful for improving balance, flexibility, a calm mind, concentration, and focus, while also releasing stress, anxiety, and worry. It strengthens the entire nervous system. Within the special needs population, there is the observed added benefit of improved sensory processing, emotional and physical regulation, and better sleep. Kundalini yoga is known as the yoga of awareness. It is a highly practical approach to the body and the mind, and is easily made accessible and beneficial to all levels and abilities. The yoga, meditation and other recommendations shared are adaptable and inclusive. For the purpose of clarity, terms such as; special needs, normal, disabled, neuro-divergent or typical, mild, moderate, or low functioning, are purely for description purposes, with respect to the fact that we are all different. The verbiage does not imply a diagnosis or label. Did you know that only slightly greater than 20% of the population must display the same pattern in physical make-up or behaviour to be considered “normal?” By that definition, normal expression represents a slim margin. Yoga honours our individual differences and similarities.

Special needs yoga may be promoted or referred to as “all abilities” or “all inclusive” classes. You are welcome to adjust your wording to fit your community. I work with children and adults on the Autism spectrum (ASD), with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, ADD, seizure disorders, sensory processing disorders and many additional lesserknown disabilities, and I love them all! Remember a diagnosis does not define the person, and anyone can practice yoga if given the chance. I am a big advocate of family style classes and family participation for two reasons. One is that each child has unique abilities and/or challenges, be they physical or behavioural, that the parent or caregiver is best equipped to deal with in a studio class setting. The parent may also shadow and assist the child as needed. Secondly, caretakers need a peaceful practice as much as the kids themselves. If you are teaching in a school, camp, or recreational setting, it is important to have the teacher, counsellor, and/or faculty aides present for supervision, behaviour management, and support.


  • Decreased anxiety, stress, and tension
  • Acceptance
  • Appreciation for an activity kids and parents can do together
  • Fun
  • Laughter and smiles
  • Improved sleep
  • Relaxation
  • The body feels better with movement
  • Increased body and spatial awareness
  • Increased ability to attend to tasks for longer periods of time
  • Increased focus by using techniques outside of the class setting

As the yoga teacher you will be responsible for defining your class parameters. I would recommend scheduling a class of thirty or fortyfive minutes, as an hour is too long. Some things to consider are: who is welcome, what ages may participate, is there any behaviour that will exclude participation, will the family be included, what is a good time to hold class, and how will the class be set up? If you are practicing at home some of these parameters may not be applicable. Of course, your best plans should be embraced with a neutral mind. Create your class plan and then be flexible to allow for change. Expect the unexpected. Participants may be set up in rows facing the teacher, or in a large circle. Setting students up in a large circle offers more visual connection and interaction with peers. Sitting in rows offers less visual stimulation and distraction. There are pros and cons to both, so experiment and take your set-up cues from what best serves your students.I do suggest seating students with more than an armslength distance between them so they cannot easily reach over and touch their neighbour. I do not encourage activities that involve touching beyond the parent child pair. This may sound counterintuitive to those who are already actively teaching kids yoga in a neuro-typical setting.

Setting up an environment that naturally supports keeping the hands to the self is wise for students with poor impulse control and those with either weak or overly strong boundaries. When teaching kids, I aim to balance a familiar, age appropriate, warm-up routine with fresh and varied themed yoga sets. I recommend moving with the kids throughout the class by demonstrating each posture so that students can follow along visually. Encourage participation by using words such as; watch, copy, and show me, rather than do this or do that. An invitation to join the posture or activity is more empowering than a direction to perform. I never force compliance or demand that students get into the postures, and I don’t wait for everyone to do the posture before moving on. Teach at a pace that works for your students.Addressing kids by their name with specific praise, rather than a general good job, builds self-esteem and motivation.

The self-regulated movement of yoga, where each individual chooses how much or how little they engage in the postures, allows individuals to participate to tolerance. Allowing for personal choices fosters a feeling of success. Physical adjustments are best kept to a bare minimum, and only with permission. Be aware that traditional yoga props such as straps and blocks may be turned into weapons. However, supervised non-traditional props may add stimulation for the senses, and fun. For example, placing weighted bean bags on the belly, or blowing bubbles, feathers, or leaves and watching the movement are activities helpful in connecting with the breath. This type of exercise, with fun props, assists in identifying between the inhale and exhale. Although, the words breathe in and breathe out are more easily understood by children. Taking a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth at the end of each posture facilitates a smooth transition to the next exercise. At the beginning of each class or personal practice, I suggest pausing, with intention and reverence, to connect with the Divine flow of life. In Kundalini yoga this is done by chanting the mantra Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo three times. In Hatha traditions it may be chanting Om three times, or simply taking three deep breaths to prepare for yoga.


Many of the postures given below may be done seated, using the arm movements only. When indicated, alternate variations will be suggested. This is a great example of yoga that works for all abilities and levels. Warm-up exercises are optional. Feel free to add additional animal postures to create an extended practice.

Mountain Pose – Get ready for a mountain camping trip. Stand tall with the arms at the sides, palms facing forward. Feel connected to the ground through the feet. Take a moment to wiggle the toes and press them down.

We made it to the campsite. Now set up the tent with Down-Dog Pose. The body forms a triangle just like a tent. For a seated variation, extend the arms out to the sides, with palms up, and bend the elbows so that the fingertips touch above the head, forming a triangle, or tent.

Hike into the woods with a Yogi March. Bring the hands into Gyan Mudra by pressing the tips of the index fingers to the tips of the thumbs. March around the room lifting the arms straight up with each raised knee on the inhale and bring them down on the exhale.

Bear Pose – Come in to Down-Dog, then spread the feet wider than the hips and slightly bend the knees. Ask the students to identify their favourite type of bear, so that all may participate with their words.

Tree Pose – Traditional Tree Pose may be supported by standing side by side and holding hands with a partner. An alternate Tree Pose is to raise the arms up over head and sway from side to side and back and forth, like a tree moving in the wind.

Cobra Pose – Cobra works great for any type of snake. Lie on the belly with the hands under the shoulders. Take a deep breath in and exhale with a hiss through the mouth as you push up through the arms. Come down and repeat this hissing snake pose three or more times. For a seated variation, hold on to the sides of a chair and push the arms down while moving into a gentle backbend.

Cricket Pose – The sun is setting and the crickets are beginning to chirp. Lie on the back and lift the hands and feet off the ground. Rub the palms together and the soles of the feet together briskly. This strengthens the aura and increases communication between the hemispheres of the brain.

At this time, you may opt to set up a pretend campfire by placing a battery-operated lantern or flashlight in the middle of the room. You may cover the lantern with colored scarves so it looks like a camp fire. If your class is not already in a circle have them move so that they are sitting around the pretend campfire.

Snap the Fingers to mimic a crackling, popping fire. Snapping or rubbing the fingers together is good for stimulating nerve endings on the tips of the fingers.

Rotate the Wrists – Pretend to make S’mores. To roast the marshmallows, extend the arms straight out in front of the body and then circle the wrists in both directions.

If you have never had S’mores, they are a gooey, sweet treat consisting of roasted marshmallows and chocolate held between two graham crackers. On a side note, graham crackers are an excellent snack choice for kids’ classes because they are a low allergy risk. Always ask permission before offering food treats in class.

Inhale through the Nose and Exhale through the Mouth in order to cool down imaginary hot cocoa. To add a dash of fun, fill disposable cups with a few marshmallows, or small crafting pom-poms, and have students blow into the cups to make the marshmallows move.

Our mouths may be sticky from the pretend S’mores. Move the tongue around the mouth and over the teeth in circles. Yes, we are exercising the tongue and jaw.

Sleeping bag roll – Direct students to lie across their mats at one end and have the parents or helpers roll them up in the mat, as if they are in sleeping bags. Unroll, and repeat a couple of times. The pressure of this roll may be calming and grounding, particularly for ASD students.

Coyote Howl – Use your voice to imitate the howling, yipping, yapping call of the coyote. Non-verbal students do very well with this type of yoga voice exercise.

Snore – Take a few pretend snores as you move into deep relaxation. The snoring vibration helps to release anger and frustration. Relax in savasana on the floor or in a chair. Adjust the time of relaxation to the ability of the students.

Ant Pose – Let the ants take care of any leftover crumbs. Come on to the knees and elbows. Lift the feet off the floor to work on balance, and crawl around the room like ants. For a seated ant variation, students can tap lightly and walk their fingers up and down their arms for a tactile sensory experience. Parents or aides may do the walking ant fingers for those who need help.


After a few minutes of relaxation, guide the students back into a seated posture. Place the hands, one on top of the other, on the centre of the chest, the heart centre. Sing the mantra “Bountiful am I, Blissful am I, Beautiful am I” for one to three minutes. This works as a positive affirmation.

In Kundalini yoga we end class by chanting a long Sat Nam, truth as identity. The more familiar Namaste, or taking a few long, deep breaths also serve as closure to the class. May you show up with an open mind and authenticity, and leave with a full heart. Companion mantras and songs mentioned herein can be found on popular streaming platforms.

Patty Wildasinn is a Level Two certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and author and has taught yoga to all levels and abilities for over 20 years. She enjoys working with seniors, kids with disabilities, people in chemical dependency rehabilitation centres, and those in recovery from addiction. Prior to teaching yoga, she worked professionally as a nationally certified addiction counsellor, and has spent over three decades helping others to discover their own success in navigating life’s challenges and addiction recovery.
IG – @patty_yogable
FB – Yogable, Patty Wildasinn

The post AN INTRODUCTION TO YOGA FOR SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS first appeared on Yoga Magazine.

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