Styles Yoga


1 – BASE: Hold onto the flyer’s ankles with fingers on the outside and thumb inside. Bring legs to 90-degrees placing toes as close to being in-between shoulder blades.

1 – FLYER: Come to standing over the base’s head facing away from their body. Start to lean back and you should start to feel the base’s toes ideally near and in-between shoulder blades.

2 – BASE: As the flyer starts to give weight onto your feet, simultaneously bend your knees to straight and start to straighten your arms too. When coming down gently bend your arms and knees to place the flyer’s feet on the floor and push with your feet to help them roll up to standing. Remember to let go of their feet as they stand so they are free to step away.

2 – FLYER: Gently going into a small backbend that is comfortable for you, allow the base to lift your feet by your ankles. Relax by allowing your arms to fall from your sides and allow this therapeutic pose to open your heart.

3 – BASE: From High Flying Whale, change the handgrip from the ankle to the foot, fingers wrapped over the top of the foot so the flyer can pull against your grip.

3 – FLYER: From High Flying Whale, bend your knees to 90-degrees and lift your hips up. The base will reorganise the handgrip on your feet so that you have support for this action. Flex your feet which will increase your control and give you something to pull against as the base wraps their hands around your feet.

4 – BASE: Take one foot out and place it underneath the flyer’s sitting bone.

4 – FLYER: Start to roll up with chin to chest as the base places both feet (one by one) under each of your sitting bones. This requires trust and a spotter (3rd person if you have not done this before).

5 – BASE: As the flyer sits up bring feet closer to you so your legs can be more vertical and place your other foot under their sitting bone, feet parallel. You are now in Throne. Place your other foot under flyer’s bottom.

5 – FLYER: You will need to pour weight on one side/foot and focus on keeping your shape as the base repositions the other foot.

6 – BASE: To move to Straddle Throne you need to place one of your feet under your flyer’s hamstring, their knee is turned out and so that your foot can remain parallel, repeat on the opposite side. To come out, reverse.

6 – FLYER: Wrap your leg in front and hook with the foot. Sit onto that leg as the base places the other foot on the other side. Repeat.


7 – BASE: From Straddle Throne hold onto the outside of the foot of the leg the flyer has released. The flyer will give you tension to enable you to reposition your supporting foot that side by sliding it forward so that there is only contact with your heel.

7 – FLYER: From Straddle Throne, slowly release the foot you’d like behind you in Mermaid pose. The base will hold this foot and whilst you keep your shape they will move their supporting foot forward so that there is only contact with their heel.



1 – BASE: Hold onto the flyer’s ankles with fingers on the outside and thumb inside. Bring legs to 90-degrees placing toes as close to being in-between shoulder blades.

1 – FLYER: Come to standing over the base’s head facing away from their body. Start to lean back and you should start to feel the base’s toes ideally near and in-between shoulder blades.

2 – BASE: As the flyer starts to give weight onto your feet, simultaneously bend your knees to straight and start to straighten your arms too. When coming down gently bend your arms and knees to place the flyer’s feet on the floor and push with your feet to help them roll up to standing. Remember to let go of their feet as they stand so they are free to step away.

2 – FLYER: Gently going into a small backbend that is comfortable for you, allow the base to lift your feet by your ankles. Relax by allowing your arms to fall from your sides and allow this therapeutic pose to open your heart.

3 – BASE: From High Flying Whale, change the handgrip from the ankle to the foot, fingers wrapped over the top of the foot so the flyer can pull against your grip.

3 – FLYER: From High Flying Whale, bend your knees to 90-degrees and lift your hips up. The base will reorganise the handgrip on your feet so that you have support for this action. Flex your feet which will increase your control and give you something to pull against as the base wraps their hands around your feet.

4 – BASE: Take one foot out and place it underneath the flyer’s sitting bone.

4 – FLYER: Start to roll up with chin to chest as the base places both feet (one by one) under each of your sitting bones. This requires trust and a spotter (3rd person if you have not done this before).

5 – BASE: As the flyer sits up bring feet closer to you so your legs can be more vertical and place your other foot under their sitting bone, feet parallel. You are now in Throne. Place your other foot under flyer’s bottom.

5 – FLYER: You will need to pour weight on one side/foot and focus on keeping your shape as the base repositions the other foot.

6 – BASE: To move to Straddle Throne you need to place one of your feet under your flyer’s hamstring, their knee is turned out and so that your foot can remain parallel, repeat on the opposite side. To come out, reverse.

6 – FLYER: Wrap your leg in front and hook with the foot. Sit onto that leg as the base places the other foot on the other side. Repeat.


7 – BASE: From Straddle Throne hold onto the outside of the foot of the leg the flyer has released. The flyer will give you tension to enable you to reposition your supporting foot that side by sliding it forward so that there is only contact with your heel.

7 – FLYER: From Straddle Throne, slowly release the foot you’d like behind you in Mermaid pose. The base will hold this foot and whilst you keep your shape they will move their supporting foot forward so that there is only contact with their heel.

8 – BASE: This gives your flyer the rest of your foot to roll their thigh onto as they square their hips and shoulders by turning them approximately 90-degrees in the opposite direction. Once you have moved your foot forward you release the foot from your hand so that the flyer can then roll their thigh onto your foot as described.

8 – FLYER: This gives you the rest of their foot to roll your thigh onto as you square your hips and shoulders in the opposite direction. From here you can bend your rear leg to go into a variation of Mermaid pose. We recommend to bend your rear knee and draw the foot toward your upper body. Reach back with your hand and hold the top of your foot. Pause here if you need to. To go further, slowly slide your rear foot up your inner forearm and into the crook of your rear elbow.

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